Eliminating confusion and distrust for donating money in a 2-week sprint
ShareTheMeal is a crowdfunding smartphone application that enables users to make small donations to specific World Food Program projects.
Individual Product Designer (No Affiliation)
iOS Native
The Problem
How can we build trust?
The unclear hierarchy of information and disorganized placement of call to action in the app have caused significant friction and lack of trust when users try to donate.
out of 5 people were able to finish a donation without questions
out of 5 people were able to understand donating destinations
out of 5 people were able to understand monthly donation
The Solution
Clarity builds trust. Trust leads to action.
Help users create mental maps of the donating destinations by replacing redundant pictures and CTAs.
Clear confusion on monthly donation project by redesigning the information architecture and reducing redundancy
Fighting against global hunger with absolute confidence
Breaking trust is easy. So is building it.
After several rounds of testings, we have learned an app is the most convenient way to donate, but not the most assuring media to donate money, therefore
Trust is the most important element to initiate donations in this case.
Having clarity is found to be the easiest way to generate trust.
Painful User experience = Painful Business
After guerrilla testing, synthesizing, and prioritizing top business needs and user needs, 2 main pain points have been narrowed down.
Pain Point 1:
Where did my money go?
Same donation projects have appeared in different tabs with slightly different names in different tabs. This causes users’ confusion on the donating destinations of their own donations.
IDEATION: Walking into the map and knowing where you are donating
Showing users where the donating destinations are on a clear map before go into donation details will eliminate confusion and increase confidence in initiating donations.
ITERATIONS: Building Clarity—Location
Pain Point 2:
CTA = Calling Too much Action
In the first two tabs, there are repetitive CTAs to redundant projects. The CTAs for monthly donation program (yellow circles) are even misplaced in different levels in the information architecture as well.
ITERATIONS: Building Clarity —- CTA
Building trust by trimming off the extra
Initiating donations is difficult enough. That is why we should be mindful about the steps users have to take to make the decision. The decisions are made based on trust, and having clarity is the easiest way to build trust in a palm-size device.
Trust instilled donation made simple
In the original app, there is too much redundancy that causes confusion. The disorganized information hierarchy also breaks the trust between users and the app/organization. By building clarity and consistency throughout the app, I was able to establish trust between the users and the product which, in turn, accelerates the donating process.
Validation Test
OK. OK. Sure!
After the final round of usability testing with complete new users, what I have heard the most is “OK. OK. Sure!”. This means the users are using the least cognitive effort to go through the app and finish their donation.
Test. Test. Test
FACT: People are nice (mostly). Guerilla tests with strangers is where I got my most insights from for the project. I did a few more tests than I planned simply because the people who talked to me were very nice. I was also severely dehydrated from all the nervous sweating.
You can’t save the whole world (yet), so focus (now).
Like all designers, we start re-designing with good intentions and great ambition to help. However, it is very easy to be lost in the weed when it is an individual project and there is no one pulling you out. So focus on the problems that you are capable to solve throughout the project is key.